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Stay in touch! 

Email us with your story. Include 3-4 lines and/or a pix  that you would be willing to share on this website. 




Tom Hubbard -     I have lived a blessed life since graduating. Husband of 44 years to the quintessential woman, father of three (ages 34, 38, 40--ouch), and grandfather of 7 unbelievably cute kids (ages 1-9 with one in heaven). Employment-wise, I've mostly had sales related jobs for small family owned companies, some of whom loved me for extended periods of time, some of whom invited me to move on after short stints. Retired now for about ten years, I currently enjoy good health, though I've had three bouts with brain cancer over the years. My main goals in life now are to promote the life and love of Jesus Christ to all I meet (via example with words when requested), being a world-class grandfather, vastly improving my wife listening skills, and learning to squeeze as much as I can out of every day I'm given. 

Marcus Severn -  Over the past fifty years I have been busy with my family and ministry. My wife, Cheryl, and I have been blessed with nine children—four girls and five boys—and now we are being flooded with lots of grandkids! After finishing college (UC Davis) and grad school (Fuller Seminary) I launched into full-time ministry as a Presbyterian pastor. This has been a rich career over 43 years, and Cheryl has supported me all the way through two more academic degrees (Covenant Seminary), and church ministry in California, Missouri, and Texas. Now in semi-retirement, I am still preaching, teaching, and writing. Check out my website:

Gary Mumaw, "master of Images" Rancho Cucamonga, CA - Hi, after surviving HS, I went on to get a BA in Photography.. I spent most of my professional career as a photographer  for the Defense industry. I am lucky to have 2 girls and 1 grandchild.. I remarried 10 years ago and have lived the past 43 years in the Inland Empire. I'm currently in pretty good health, semi retired, spend most  of my time outdoors, taking photos as "The Master of Images"  and hiking.



Mary Elizabeth Young (Crabb) - After leaving high school I graduated from California State University, Humboldt in 1977 with my BSN. This was one of the best moves I ever made. Although a challenging career at times, nursing allowed me to support my family through all the ups and downs in life. Sometimes I wished I’d studied something else, but as I look in the rearview mirror of my life I’m glad nursing is what I studied. Although I mostly worked as an RN, I also spent some years working with my late husband in our civil engineering business. After he passed I got my real estate license and dipped my toes in the water of sales and development. I enjoyed buying and fixing up homes and even built a few. Along my journey through this life I even made a swing at writing and self-published a book. Ultimately I returned to nursing and my last 12 years was spent working in hospice. I’ve been retired for a little over a year but really miss hospice. I’ll go back part time if they’ll have me. Every day in my career in hospice I went home with a deep satisfaction that I’d made a difference. I’ve birthed 2 daughters but also call my step children (2 boys and a girl) my family. I raised them in the Gold Country of CA. After they grew up, my daughters wanted to live in more of an urban area close to beaches. My eldest moved to San Diego in 2002. My youngest and I followed her in 2012. After 2 years in San Diego I moved a little further south across the border to Rosarito, Mexico. I love living 100 steps from the beach yet close to my family. My youngest birthed my granddaughter almost 5 years ago and I couldn’t be a happier Grandma. My fur family includes my Red Heeler mix rescue, Cita, and my Quarter horse rescue, Gracie. I’ve been single since 2001 when I lost the love of my life to cancer. Other than my children, he has been one of the most influential people in my life.

Laura-Lee Boerner Parks
  Family member:  married 33 years to Glen, daughter to a 96 year-old mother, sister of three, doting aunt
  Believer: founder of Lompoc Glory Girls Fellowship and Outreach, a Bible study/book club whose members also support the underserved in our town .   Retired educator:  served 37 years as a teacher, trainer, and administrator   Friend:  Listen (“Every person has a story”), learn, support, commit— invest time, care, and love   Gardener-Composter-Canner:  “Gardening is my therapy!"--volunteer/trainer in the UC Master Gardener Program   Community participant:  poll worker, canvasser, and volunteer in various projects

Joanie Heitman Davidson
After GHS, I graduated from CSUN, worked for a while, and got married to my true love Bob. I found joy in being a full-time mommy to our two sons and a daughter. Our life was a wild and happy blur of school, church, sports, family and friends, along with some scary cancer battles that helped us all learn to more fully depend on God. In a blink there were college graduations, weddings and grandbabies to welcome. I also enjoyed a delayed career, working at a high school for 19 years. Now retired, I love being outdoors, on hiking or biking trails, walking on the beach, working in my garden and traveling the world with Bob, but most of all, spending time with our kids and nine precious grandbabies. 

Ron Henry 
After HS I went into the Air Force for a few years and then was with the Air National Guard (10 years). I graduated from the University of Phoenix. I have been married twice and found true love with my current wife, Lisa. We live in Orange County and have been blessed with 27 amazing years. We have a blended family, I have 2 boys and Lisa has one boy. We have two beautiful grandkids (both girls).
I have spent most of my career in Customer Service where I am always looking for excellent customer service. I have had opportunities to be a Call Center Manager worked in Cable, Banking,  and retired from the United States Postal Service where I was the LA Call Center Manager of 500 agents. I am a Christian and been very involved in many ministries with  the Catholic Church. Currently  we work retreats with engaged couples before they get married. If I was to look at my life I would say I have had a good life. I am married to my best friend love my boys and my  grandchildren. Best Trip by far would be our recent trip to the Holy Land. Looking forward to the reunion and catching up.


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*Look at where we live! 


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